Walking By Faith

Wow. What a wild ride this has been. It’s 4:40am - day of our last Christmas concert at church. I’ve had a terrible cough for days, but through the night it has dried up significantly - which it usually gets much worse at night - but it’s better than it has been this whole time and I know it’s everyone’s prayers! Thank you, prayer warriors, and thank you Lord for answered prayers!

Speaking of answered prayers… it has been a year of praying, seeking God and becoming.

We were on track for a life in ministry in the church. It’s what we both grew up doing. And as hard as it gets from time to time, it’s cozy and familiar. It’s our church family, after all. But a little over a year ago, that trajectory was halted long enough to make us start asking some questions we should have been asking all along. And that was, “God, where do you want us, really?” If the path to promotion isn’t here - and we have to have the funds to feed our family and grow our family - then where is it? Our first thought on default was, “Maybe it’s just at another church?” Other churches were offering Mayowa a job - and we prayed about each one as they came - but God said no to every one. Well, “Maybe it’s just not the right timing?” we thought. So we continued to just pour in where we were. We grew some more, matured some more. Kept our ears open for anything else from the Lord. In the Spring - wait - no, in February 2024, we had our eye on many different “money-making” side hustles. (You know the ones that pop up unsolicited in your feed on FB and instagram? Promising wealth after selling a course or Etsy product over and over.) Anyway, Mayowa took interest in one in particular that focused on training you to be an Entrepreneur no matter what you want to do. He took the reins while we were on vacation and said let’s purchase the course we’d been eyeing. It was a BIG deal for us. It took every bit of our tax refund (that I had been excited about and had other plans for.) But we, together, made the purchase. And you know what? Something clicked for both of us that day. We became Entrepreneurs, truly - we now held an LLC with our name on it. But more importantly - mentally we changed. Something absolutely clicked within us, and it didn’t happen until we actually made the scary big purchase on faith. So for that, I will always be grateful. From that point on, our eyes were keener - our step and attitude was different. Especially for Mayowa. His enthusiasm at work had all but died at that point and he was feeling so restless and listless. But man, that day, he got his fire back and started proclaiming truth over himself like never before. “I am a leader. I am a successful business man. I am…” Well, I can’t remember all of what he said now, but something had definitely changed within him for the better. It almost scared me at first though. He was not the quiet, submissive Mayowa I knew anymore. I knew our attitudes affected our roles in our marriage, and so I fought it for a quick second - then I realized that that was stupid and I should just decide to change with him and adapt.

God told us 2023 was a year of doing, and boy we did. We did a lot. Of course, even just keeping up with our boys is a lot! They are growing and so is their energy and capacity to learn. It’s hard to keep up! This past year we took a good hard look at what we wanted for our family - and we came up with a good many things - all written down and prayed for individually.

This past year, 2024, He has prepared us. We lived on little-to-nothing, yet still acquired a new car and new house. Say what?? Yes. GOD provided for us over and over - and our faith has exploded. And this is just the beginning. Next year, God has told us to further our faith and leave our home church, leave the 9 to 5, leave the paycheck, leave the comfort - the stability… all the things He’s been preparing our minds for all year long. Throw ourselves into the loving arms of Jesus and just pursue Him whole-heartedly.

With nothing but His promises, we enter 2025 on a GoFundMe faith.

God said 2023 was a year of Doing.

2024 was a year of provision and PRO-vision. (Blog about that later.)

I can’t wait for 2025!!! What does God have in store? Buckle up - here we come!

